5:IT 急招搬运工 上海市五皑缇信息技术有限公司
Website developer 网站建设
福利:国际团队、免费健身、免费啤酒、晋升快 Benefits: International group, Free gym membership, Free beer
岗位职责 Responsibilities:
1、PC 端、移动端的网站建立及维护 Help build responsive, functional and mobile-optimized websites and web-services for 5:IT and its clients.
2.、辅助相关数据统计分析 Track the growth and the impact of social media on our business.
3.、辅助制定和执行市场推广方案 Attend offline events and present our products to different audiences.
4、完成领导交办的其他任务。 Additional duties as required.
任职要求 Requirements:
1.优秀的英语听说读写能力 Excellent written and verbal communication in English & Chinese.
2.熟悉主流网站开发框架,了解 HTML5、Java、CSS,、PHP 等 Web 相关技术, Basic coding experience in some of: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5,
3、对问题有深刻的思考及迅速的反应的能力,具备创新意识,热衷于新兴技术及产品,可以独立完成日常工作; Self-driven and able to work independently, can discover issues, solve problems and find opportunities, creative in storytelling, love new technology and products.
4、学习能力强,能迅速适应新的硬件、软件及设备 A flair for learning new software / hardware / devices.
5、会使用 word press、SEO 者加分 Skills and knowledge in WordPress development and SEO is a plus.
工作时间 10:00-19:00
工作地址:上海市静安区武定路 969 号 403
请发送英文简历到 connect@five-it.com
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.