[上海 中山公园] Dell 内推 C# Software Principal Engineer 24W 起

2017-06-13 17:26:34 +08:00
lucaomk2  lucaomk2
自己所在组的职位, C# desktop 应用程序开发,要求熟悉 windows 操作系统,wpf/winform 程序设计,git, 敏捷开发模式
因为是 Global team, 有同事在美国,英语要能交流, 会有机会去美帝出差
每季度一次 team building (周五或周一),弹性工作制不打卡,有急事可以 work at home,12 天年假起
有意请发简历到 lucaomk2@gmail.com
This position is for a Software Develop Engineer working on Dell ’ s next-generation Client based SW within the Product Group. The engineer will be responsible for the design, testing, and deployment of Applications to Dell client platforms.

The Skills include:

• Systems management software development
• Component definition, design, scoping and delivery
• Defect management/resolution
• Product unit test planning and execution
• BS/MS in CS/CE/EE or related fields
• Ability to work in distributed development environment
• Flexible and adaptable to different roles in different phases of the project lifecycle


• Familiarity with several Software Lifecycle and Quality Assurance methodologies. Able to define and document how a specific Software Lifecycle and Quality Assurance method will be used for specific projects.
• Able to participate and add value in all phases of software development: feasibility, design, implementation, integration, test and delivery.
• Knowledge on Agile development is preferred
• Good communication skills in both English and Chinese
• Good customer focuses attitude
• Good team player and able to communication with global team.
2171 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
4 条回复
2017-06-13 18:45:17 +08:00
Principal 也才 24w,外企真是可怜
2017-06-13 18:57:11 +08:00
@sibaru 你少看了个"起"
2017-06-13 19:45:01 +08:00
我觉得肯定是假的“ Principal ”,虽然有个“起”,公司的 Principal 即便有个“起”,估计 24 后面也要加个 0.。。
2017-06-16 16:53:12 +08:00
@hustlike 你还真说多了(faceplam)
@sibaru 不好意思 是我没说清楚 Dell 的 Title 很外面的有点不同 这里 Principle 相当于外面的 Senior
外面的 Principle 对应的是 Dell 的 senior principle …

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