
2017-06-26 22:29:27 +08:00


他叫 Tal Babich talb@lotusinit.co.il

Project & Release Manager

Key responsibilities:

· Plan and execute complex projects/release per strict deadlines, budget and quality benchmarks

· Effectively communicate project/release tasks and commitments to project team members and stakeholders (in our China and other company offices)

· Manage customer expectations, through tight collaboration with the sales team, R&D and corporate project management

· Work closely with inbound and outbound customers (technical and executive level) to understand the requirements in a wider view (the “ big picture ”), and develop effective working relationships

· Work with groups across the organization to gather inputs and define the deliverables, resource requirements and work-plan for the project, and oversee their development and delivery (“ Matrix Management ”)

· Proactively identify and manage changes in project scope, identify potential risks and crises, and devise contingency plans as needed


· Education: First degree or higher (preferably Software Engineering or Computer Science)

· Over 3 years of experience in Project Management:

· Practical experience in Release Management (R&D project management) of software products

· Practical experience in outbound customer-facing Project Management of complex projects

· Experience with automotive related SW Project Management - an advantage

· Knowledgeable and experienced with product life cycle methodology (in a software organization)

· Technical experience in Software development in the past, specifically growing from R&D groups/teams in software organizations

· Comprehensive English skills, business English level (meetings, reports document creation and presentations)

· Experience in matrix management


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