在 rattle 那里,有说道:
> The release of R 3.0.0 in April 2013 seems to be causing grief to a number of users on Mac OS/X. The problem seems to be with the installation of RGtk2 which the Rattle GUI depends on. The key is to make sure the RGtk2 package can be installed and loaded
https://rattle.togaware.com/rattle-install-troubleshooting.html在 GitHub 上看到:
> From the R command line (e.g. in R-Studio), install the RGtk2 package by running: install.packages("RGtk2", depen=T)
This might fail with the warning that package ‘ RGtk2 ’ is not available (for R version xxx) depending on your version of R. If so, you can try to run install.packages("RGtk2", depen=T, type="source") instead to install the RGtk2 package from source (this might take a few minutes and ask you to install the Xcode command line tools - just hit Install and follow the instructions if you get this message, then rerun install.packages("RGtk2", depen=T, type="source")). If installation from source fails, you can try a slighlty older R version that has the binaries or check out the work-around below.