怎么在 Mac 上安装 R 语言的 Rattle 包 _(:з」∠)_

2017-07-17 10:39:51 +08:00

macOS 10.12.5

XQuartz 和 gtk+都安装了

install.packages("RGtk2", dependencies = T, type = 'mac.binary.mavericks')

提示 程序包‘ RGtk2 ’是源码包,但不是二进制包

install.packages("RGtk2", dependencies = T, type = 'source')

install.packages("rattle", dependencies = T)




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2017-07-17 11:06:52 +08:00
在 rattle 那里,有说道:

> The release of R 3.0.0 in April 2013 seems to be causing grief to a number of users on Mac OS/X. The problem seems to be with the installation of RGtk2 which the Rattle GUI depends on. The key is to make sure the RGtk2 package can be installed and loaded


在 GitHub 上看到:

> From the R command line (e.g. in R-Studio), install the RGtk2 package by running: install.packages("RGtk2", depen=T)
This might fail with the warning that package ‘ RGtk2 ’ is not available (for R version xxx) depending on your version of R. If so, you can try to run install.packages("RGtk2", depen=T, type="source") instead to install the RGtk2 package from source (this might take a few minutes and ask you to install the Xcode command line tools - just hit Install and follow the instructions if you get this message, then rerun install.packages("RGtk2", depen=T, type="source")). If installation from source fails, you can try a slighlty older R version that has the binaries or check out the work-around below.


还有参看这个 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15868860/r-3-0-and-gtk-rgtk2-error


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