
2017-07-23 02:02:48 +08:00
最近宿舍办了电信 100mb 下行 /4mb 上行 宽带,发现以同样的方式 fan 樯比在公司的还是慢了许多,这倒也不打紧。问题是在宿舍 scp 传文件至 digitocean 服务器速度只有可怜的个位数 kbps。我有一台阿里云服务器,从那里 scp 至 digitocean 速度也极慢,约几十 kbps。而公司网络则快许多。


现在的问题是,我控制不了公司接公网的路由器,只能控制公司局域网中自己的机器。所以无法用一般的方法让公司的机器作代理。这可如何是好?鄙人才疏学浅,网络知识更是贫乏。请懂的 dalao 指教一二。
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2017-07-23 15:53:57 +08:00
@gamexg 这个方法看上去可行,还是免费的。我会试试,多谢多谢!

这里摘录一段 ZeroTier 的工作方式,供有兴趣的人参考,我理解的大概就是有个服务端的管理程序,帮你的两台机器完成 p2p 连接,然后服务器就撒手不管,类似 teamview 的工作方式:

摘自 https://www.zerotier.com/manual.shtml

Peer to peer connection setup goes like this:

1. A wants to send a packet to B, but since it has no direct path it sends it upstream to R (a root).
If R has a direct link to B, it forwards the packet there. Otherwise it sends the packet upstream until planetary roots are reached. Planetary roots know about all nodes, so eventually the packet will reach B if B is online.
2. R also sends a message called rendezvous to A containing hints about how it might reach B. Meanwhile the root that forwards the packet to B sends rendezvous informing B how it might reach A.
3. A and B get their rendezvous messages and attempt to send test messages to each other, possibly accomplishing hole punching of any NATs or stateful firewalls that happen to be in the way. If this works a direct link is established and packets no longer need to take the scenic route.
4. Since roots forward packets, A and B can reach each other instantly. A and B then begin attempting to make a direct peer to peer connection. If this succeeds it results in a faster lower latency link. We call this transport triggered link provisioning since it's the forwarding of the packet itself that triggers the peer to peer network to attempt direct connection.
2017-07-23 17:29:19 +08:00
@seeker 不知道这个是否有开源实现呢? 最好是开源的 这个太危险了 虽然这个服务对外宣称理论上不会成为中间人
2017-07-23 19:19:47 +08:00
2017-07-24 09:36:41 +08:00
2017-07-24 11:15:05 +08:00
在电脑开个虚拟机安装个 ssr,虚拟机别关就行了

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