针对下载看了 HTTPS 还是放弃

2017-08-03 05:28:07 +08:00
刚刚测试下 https 下载和 Http 下载速度对比。同站点单线程下载速度 https 只有 http 的 30%左右,看来 https 有些情况下还是不要应用
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82 条回复
2017-08-09 16:50:14 +08:00
@tangren You should enable http/2 for getting faster connection for https. There are lots of benefits comes with http/2. You should also refer this thread http/2https://www.v2ex.com/t/334548#r_4000479 to know more about http/2 benefits.
2017-08-09 16:51:19 +08:00
You should enable http / 2 for getting faster connection for https. There are lots of benefits comes with http / 2. You should also refer this thread https://www.v2ex.com/t/334548#r_4000479 to Know more about http / 2 benefits.

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