sublime text3 以前的版本是 italic 和 bold 两者全都要和 regular 的宽度一样,才会显示斜体和粗体,后来的版本修复了这个限制————谁不一样谁不显示,一样的则显示。
The only change was made that if an italic and the regular are monospace, but bold is a different width, then we now enable the italic. Previously if either bold or italic were a different width, neither would be enabled.
We still won't use bold, italic or bold/italic fonts if they are a different width than the regular face.
font face "xxxxx" has different widths for bold characters, disabling to prevent text reflow
我现在手上有的基于第三方个人修改的中文等宽字体都是只有 italic 的宽度和 regular 的宽度一样,而 bold 的宽度不一样。
我得拿来写 markdown,如果用纯英文字体还得搭配 mactype
食用,否则就太恶心了,而我平时又不爱用这东西。如果换 vscode
或者 atom
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