➜ android git:(feature-new-ui) ✗ git status -s ➜ android git:(feature-new-ui) git checkout develop Switched to branch 'develop' Your branch is ahead of 'origin/develop' by 1 commit. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) ➜ android git:(develop) git status -s ➜ android git:(develop) git checkout feature-new-ui Switched to branch 'feature-new-ui' Your branch is ahead of 'origin/feature-new-ui' by 2 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) ➜ android git:(feature-new-ui) ✗ git status -s D ByteParser/build.gradle D ByteParser/src/main/java/com/nd/byteparser/ByteParser.java