Airbnb 招聘:全栈工程师-北京

2017-08-09 21:50:21 +08:00
itrecruit  itrecruit
We are now looking for full stack Software Engineers to join the team to help build a strong and fast feedback loop to adapt our product according to local needs. The team will improve the site/app speed and experience for Chinese users, localize the existing product to deeply integrate with local norms (e.g., allow WeChat sign in / sharing, payment with Alipay, etc.) and build new products that culturally make sense to Chinese users.
We Are Looking For Full Stack Engineers With
Exceptional ability to work anywhere in the technical stack, delivering quality code both on the frontend and backend.
Exceptional proficiency using HTML/CSS/Javascript, Python/Django, Ruby/Ruby on Rails. Experience with React is a plus.
Fluency in any backend server language, and expertise in relational databases and schema design.
Interest in working in a very cross-functional team that touches many of the core systems and user flows at Airbnb.
Working proficiency in English and Mandarin required.
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