事情是这样的,我自己按照网上的配置了 Fiddler 抓取 https 的包,开始一两天还可以抓取 https 的包,可是最近一两天一直不能抓取,一旦抓取就会出下面两张图的问题,网上查了半天,都说是证书的问题,但是我自己试了很多种证书的导入,但是都有下面的问题,我自己的电脑是 win10 的,我怀疑是不是 win10 系统升级造成的,但是不知道怎么解决,不知道有没有 dalao 知道该怎么解决
A SSLv3-compatible ClientHello handshake was found. Fiddler extracted the parameters below.
log 信息
11:52:03:0403 /Fiddler.CertMaker> Root Certificate located but HasPrivateKey==false!
11:52:03:0403 /Fiddler.CertMaker> Failed to identify private key location for Root Certificate. Exception: System.NullReferenceException 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。
11:52:03:0403 !Fiddler.CertMaker> Tried to create cert for '*.bdstatic.com', but can't find it from thread 39!
11:52:03:0403 fiddler.https> Failed to obtain certificate for ss0.bdstatic.com due to Certificate Maker returned null when asked for a certificate for ss0.bdstatic.com
11:52:03:0433 /Fiddler.CertMaker> Invoking CertEnroll for Subject: CN=*.bdstatic.com, O=DO_NOT_TRUST, OU=Created by http://www.fiddler2.com; Thread's ApartmentState: MTA
11:52:03:0463 !ERROR: Failed to generate Certificate using CertEnroll. System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException 调用的目标发生了异常。 < CertEnroll::CX509PrivateKey::put_ProviderName: 指定了无效的提供程序。0x80090013 (-2146893805 NTE_BAD_PROVIDER)
11:52:03:0463 !Fiddler.CertMaker> Failed to create certificate for '*.bdstatic.com'.
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