这里大家都知道的是 XShell. 但是实际使用和对比后发现 MobaXterm 真的是好用到流泪。
免费版本是有限制的:只能保存 12 个 Sessions,其他的功能并未限制,相当良心了。
Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately, regarding pricing we cannot modify it, as it is based on our structure and cost (we are located in Europe), and this is paying the support team as well. In an other hand, we would like to be visible on the Chinese market, but it seems difficult without speaking/writing mandarin.
So, we would be pleased if you can help us / connect us to some of your local market place.
上面的意思,很清楚了,因此 @1ychee 可以考虑跟他们联系吗?之前在 Twitter 上 AT 你了,并没有回复, 介意我将你的 TW 的信息发送给他们吗?或许可以组个团购?
因为使用的免费版, 真的非常好用, 所以不自觉的在这里跟大家分享!
套用 TED 的的宣传: Good Software worth spreading.
试用一下 Portable version 吧,也许你会喜欢上呢!
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