genymotion 安装好 app 后,打开所有 app 都是闪退,包括系统自带的音乐应用也是闪退。

2017-09-02 12:25:04 +08:00
好奇怪,一个月前还是能正常使用的,今天想再次使用就不行了。。。。重新下载安装 模拟器也不想

查看到系统存储空间里显示:已使用-10.32 GB (共 2.03 GB ) 是否和这个有关:


9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [warning] Unable to load translations. Falling back to english
9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [warning] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [debug] "Local socket created at path: /var/folders/y6/q1xcj91d1zv66pcdmlhz1fgh0000gn/T/907f397a1f5a71abaaa526042f58a1b0"
9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [warning] **** STARTING GENYMOTION ****
9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [warning] Genymotion Version: Genymotion "2.9.0"
9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Host date and time: "02 Sep 2017 11:00:51 +0800"
9 月 2 11:00:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 11:00:52 [Genymotion] [warning] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
9 月 2 11:00:52 [Genymotion] [warning] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
9 月 2 11:00:52 [Genymotion] [debug] Trying to log in as "alphav"
9 月 2 11:00:52 [Genymotion] [debug] POST QUrl( "" )
9 月 2 11:00:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [LaunchpadApp] Started with ("/Applications/")
9 月 2 11:00:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [doRequest] Requesting: ""
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [doRequest] done
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [getGenymotionLastVersion] New version ( "2.10.0" ) available here: ""
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] Last version of Genymotion is "2.10.0"
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Loading "vboxmanage" plugin
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Plugin "vboxmanage" loaded
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Chipset: "GenuineIntel"
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] CPUID 0x1 (Intel): ECX= "7ffafbbf"
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Path: "/Applications/"
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostinfo")
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Online physical CPU number: 4
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Online virtual CPU number: 2
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Max CPU number: 8
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Max memory size: 8192
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] get "vboxnet1" from host.only.interface
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [findHostOnlyInterface] Looking for compatible host-only interface
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostonlyifs")
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "vboxnet0" interface status ( QHostAddress( "" ) )
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "vboxnet1" interface status ( QHostAddress( "" ) )
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] "vboxnet1" Interface is down
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Empty interface name
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] Must delete the old one "vboxnet1"
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [deleteHostOnlyInterface] Deleting "vboxnet1" host-only interface
9 月 2 11:00:54 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("hostonlyif", "remove", "vboxnet1")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] erase host.only.interface
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] Creating new host-only interface
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("hostonlyif", "create")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] Interface "vboxnet1" created with success
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostonlyifs")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("hostonlyif", "ipconfig", "vboxnet1", "--ip", "", "--netmask", "")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("dhcpserver", "remove", "--ifname", "vboxnet1")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("dhcpserver", "add", "--ifname", "vboxnet1", "--ip", "", "--netmask", "", "--lowerip", "", "--upperip", "", "--enable")
13199 次点击
所在节点    Android
21 条回复
2017-09-02 20:46:21 +08:00
@xingda920813 速度差距不可能太大, 同样是 x86 的 bin, vbox 同样可以使用 hyper-v 虚拟

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