ST 右下角有个在线聊天,聊了下,下面是聊天记录,应该有所帮助:
You: hello, is this phone unlocked or do I need to use it with a carrier plan?
You: Thank you for visiting Straight Talk today!
Jessica: I would like to let you know that Straight Talk phones are programmed with a lock that prevents it from operating with other compatible wireless services.
You: Ok, which carrier's SIM card should I use? :)
Jessica: The iPhone SE 32GB phone we offer runs off AT&T network.
You: Thank you. Can I change to another carrier in the future?
Jessica: The phone can be unlocked once it meets the Unlocking Policy and you can contact the other carrier if they can activate an unlocked Straight Talk phone with their service.
Jessica: For more information about the unlocking policy, please click this link - What other questions can I help you with? I will be here to continue to assist you.
You: No more for now. Thank you so much!
Jessica: You are very welcome!
Jessica: Please feel free to chat with us again should you have additional questions.
Jessica: Thank you for visiting Straight Talk today.