活动预告|区块链新地标: NEO 全球开发者社区建设

2017-09-30 14:41:48 +08:00

区块链新地标:NEO 全球开发者社区建设 New Blockchain Landmark: NEO Global Developer Community Building

本期“区块链新地标”活动的主题是“ NEO 全球开发者社区建设”,NEO 理事会秘书长陶荣祺、NEO 开发者社区 COZ 发起人 Fabio Cesar Canesin、NEO 社区高级研发经理 Malcolm 孟柯、Red Pulse 联合创始人赵显理 (Stanley Chao),将给大家带来精彩分享,一起聊聊区块链技术社区应该如何构建,以及参与全球开发者社区建设的幕后故事。

The topic of "New Blockchain Landmark" this time is "NEO Global Developer Community Building". Tony Tao - Secretary General of NEO Council, Fabio Cesar Canesin - Founder of NEO Developer Community CoZ, Malcolm - Senior R&D Manager of NEO Community and Stanley Chao - Co-founder of Red Pulse will all join the event to share with us their insights on global developer community construction and several behind-the-scenes.

区块链新地标 New Blockchain Landmark

“区块链新地标”由 NEO 与 INNOSPACE+创业社区共同发起,为开发者与区块链创业者创造技术交流与学习的机会。我们希望来参与的小伙伴在这里可以当面向大咖请教,了解优秀和富有创意的区块链项目,结识合作伙伴。同时,还能通过学习与研究,共同探索区块链技术在多个领域的创新与跨越。

"New Blockchain Landmark", an event jointly held by NEO and INNOSPACE+ inspires communication and learning among developers and blockchain start-ups. We hope that the event will encourage participants to seek advice from big shots, learn about excellent and creative blockchain projects and build new ties. We also expect it to be a learning and research opportunity that you may seize in exploration of innovative and cross-disciplinary application of blockchain technology.

活动时间:2017 年 10 月 9 日下午 14:00 — 17:30

活动地点:上海市杨浦区政学路 77 号 INNOSPACE+一楼 IPOCLUB


14:00-17:30 Oct.9,2017

IPOCLUB,F1,INNOSPACE+,No.77,Zhengxue Road,Yangpu District, Shanghai

Max. 100 participants

Ticket type:Free

活动议程 Agenda

14:00-14:30: 签到 Sign in

14:30-15:10: NEO 理事会秘书长陶荣祺 演讲分享 Speech by Tony Tao, Secreatary General of NEO Council

15:10-15:50: NEO 开发者社区 COZ 发起人 Fabio Cesar Canesin 演讲分享 Speech by Fabio Cesar Canesin, Founder of COZ, a NEO Developer Community

15:50-16:00: 茶歇 Break

16:00-16:30:Red Pulse 联合创始人赵显理 (Stanley Chao) 演讲分享 Speech by Stanley Chao, Co-founder of Red Pulse

16:30-17:00:NEO 社区高级研发经理 Malcolm 孟柯 演讲分享 Speech by Malcolm, Senior R&D Manager of NEO Council

17:00-17:30:Q&A 环节
Q&A session

活动报名链接: http://www.huodongxing.com/event/4407010848900

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