[北京] + [Airbnb] 招募高级 Android 工程师 坐标东三环 IFC 大厦

2017-09-30 15:14:56 +08:00
Sr Android engineers/architect :
Experience shipping one or more Android apps, ideally currently available in an app store.
Personal projects that show an aptitude for engineering and product sense.
Ability to work in areas outside of their usual comfort zone and get things done quickly.
Strong motivation to drive impact by making product improvements.
Strong analytical thinking, experienced with making product decisions based on data and A/B testing.
Proactiveness, good communication and fast learning.
Interest in working in a very cross-functional team that touches many of the core systems and user flows at Airbnb.
Working proficiency in English and Mandarin required.
Wechat:demontongx2 or Emily:ginashang@dilimos.com
1707 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2017-10-07 13:14:48 +08:00
年龄在 27-32 比较好 谢谢

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