Tokyo2 真的比 Tokyo1 差很多么,我这里是上海联通,另外最近墙的很厉害么。。。
Hey there,
I'm sorry to say this, but we aren't able to swap IPs in Tokyo1.
I can't make Tokyo 2 networking faster if it is slow for your location. If Tokyo 2 isn't quick for you, then you may want to try one of our other data centers in the speedtest. I have seen some customers in Asia get good speeds to Frankfurt.
In order to swap out your IP you would have to migrate to another data center. It doesn't have to be Tokyo 2, but we can't swap IPs in Tokyo 1.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Regards, Andrew R. M. Linode Trust & Safety Expert How did I do?
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