AWS SQS 是否有办法在处理时通过 AttributeName 过滤想要的数据的呢?

2017-10-19 23:32:06 +08:00

提交消息的时候 message 携带了消息属性字段,比如由谁谁谁来单独处理。

  'Id': '1',
  'MessageBody': 'world'
  'Id': '2',
  'MessageBody': 'boto3',
  'MessageAttributes': {
    'Author': {
      'StringValue': 'Daniel',
      'DataType': 'String'


for message in queue.receive_messages(MessageAttributeNames=['Author']):
    # Get the custom author message attribute if it was set
    author_text = ''
    if message.message_attributes is not None:
        author_name = message.message_attributes.get('Author').get('StringValue')
        if author_name:
            author_text = ' ({0})'.format(author_name)

    # Print out the body and author (if set)
    print('Hello, {0}!{1}'.format(message.body, author_text))

    # Let the queue know that the message is processed


速度比较快的 work 永远让消息处于不可用中,有没有办法只获得某种特殊类型的消息呢?

比如 Author = Daniel ?

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