独立博客 DV SSL 证书推荐,三年 15 刀

2017-12-01 21:16:03 +08:00

适合个人独立博客的 SSL 证书,全文地址: https://sunfei.net/archives/3774.html

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20 条回复
2017-12-01 21:22:17 +08:00
先装 symantec 的 1 年免费 SSL 证书,然后到 namecheap 检测可以发 3 年 comodo 的 SSL 证书

2017-12-01 21:33:04 +08:00
@vicacheung 这个更好,免费更换!不过哪里有免费 symantec 呢?
2017-12-01 21:52:58 +08:00
@sunfei #2 阿里云
2017-12-01 22:06:54 +08:00
腾讯云也可以提供一年免费亚洲诚信代理的赛门铁克 DV SSL 证书,https://console.qcloud.com/ssl
2017-12-01 22:23:48 +08:00
@dh2017 赛门铁克的被谷歌浏览器 嫌弃了
2017-12-01 22:26:09 +08:00
@wzw 依然绿标啊
2017-12-01 22:26:41 +08:00
@wzw 楼上的意思是先装赛门铁克,然后年免费换三年 comodo,看一楼的回帖
2017-12-01 22:45:11 +08:00
@34C 只免費一年,逾期不在 namecheap 續費證書會被吊銷
After the free replacement period, a customer may choose to extend the current certificate by paying Namecheap for the remaining period on the certificate. If the customer chooses not to extend after the free period, the certificate will be revoked.
2017-12-01 22:46:18 +08:00
NameCheap 那个并不是三年,只是证书有效期三年,但是实际有效期和原证书一样,不续费的话就会把你证书吊销。

So how exactly does this work? Can you give me an example?
Sure! For example, let ’ s say you bought a single domain Symantec SSL for your online shop through another provider. It expires in three months. By signing up with Namecheap now, you can replace that SSL with a Comodo SSL for those remaining three months for no additional cost or obligation.

Once you sign up, Comodo will issue your site a new certificate for 24 or 36 months, depending on the level of validation. At the end of the free period, you can choose to extend your SSL. And don ’ t worry, we ’ ll send you a reminder email with the option to extend. At that point, you can choose to extend for one year or to the end of the certificate period, or, if you wish, you can let the certificate expire with no further obligation.
2017-12-01 22:48:30 +08:00
For example, let ’ s say you bought a single domain Symantec SSL for your online shop through another provider. It expires in three months. By signing up with Namecheap now, you can replace that SSL with a Comodo SSL for those remaining three months for no additional cost or obligation.

Once you sign up, Comodo will issue your site a new certificate for 24 or 36 months, depending on the level of validation. At the end of the free period, you can choose to extend your SSL. And don ’ t worry, we ’ ll send you a reminder email with the option to extend. At that point, you can choose to extend for one year or to the end of the certificate period, or, if you wish, you can let the certificate expire with no further obligation.

大概意思是,你已经有赛门铁克的证书后,可以通过 1 楼提供的地址,去申请一个免费的 COMODO 证书,证书类型和你已经在用的赛门铁克证书一致,有效期为你赛门铁克证书的剩余时间。注意!注意!还没有结束,如果你这时候注册登录了 namecheap 网站,将根据你的验证级别(目前不知道具体的依据是啥)为你的站点新颁发一个 COMODO 的 SSL 证书(有效期为 24 个月或者 36 个月),证书的有效时间取决于上面提到的验证级别。
2017-12-01 22:58:27 +08:00
@Cipool @ZeroClover EV 给 2 年,DV 是给三年,两年三年到期后你再决定续费不
Comodo certificates will be issued for the maximum validity term. EV SSLs will be issued as 24-month certificates and DV and OV SSLs as 36-month certificates.
2017-12-01 23:08:51 +08:00
@sunfei @BlueFly 所有 Replace 的证书都会签满有效期( EV 根据规定最多 2 年),但是实际上的有效期和你拿去做 Replace 的原赛门铁克证书一样。实际有效期到期前 NameCheap 会给你发续费账单,不续费就会把证书吊销。
2017-12-01 23:16:02 +08:00
@vicacheung 已撸
2017-12-01 23:18:00 +08:00
@ZeroClover 也就是说如果原来的证书是赛门铁克免费 1 年 DV 证书,那么替换成 COMODO 后虽然有效期是三年,实际上最多能免费用一年,后续的两年需要续费(不续就吊销了),是这样吧!……如果是这样,我个人感觉还是有些折腾了,不如直接 15 刀买三年
2017-12-01 23:44:09 +08:00
Symantec SSL 免费替换为 Comodo SSL 全过程: https://www.xiaoz.me/archives/8522
先申请一个塞门铁克免费 DV ssl,然后替换为 Comodo SSL,这样就间接免费了。
2017-12-01 23:45:26 +08:00
letsencrypt 哪里不好了...
2017-12-01 23:47:23 +08:00
namecheap 官方有说明,到期时间和 Symantec SSL 一致,到期后可选择是否续费使用。
2017-12-02 01:12:32 +08:00
一直用 letsencrypt
2017-12-02 01:21:55 +08:00
gogetssl 三年最低 11 刀多点
2017-12-02 10:36:47 +08:00
@zrj766 的确如此,感谢分享

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