中文编辑写道:“ 20 平方左右的一个房间瞬间有了春天般的温暖,温度至少提高 10 度” 原文:" warming up a 20mq environment" —— 20 平的房间,我没说温度啊!哪里来的春天啊!(……绝望地看了眼信用卡账单,我没有春天)
原文:"they will warm up before the thinner chamber storing a high rate of heat (between 140° and 180° degrees). The warmth is then conveyed to the external covering (between 30° and 50° degrees)." 内层 140 到 180 度,外层 30 到 50 度。 原文:"the temperature of the environment surrounding the Egloo will be increased between 2° and 3° degrees. " 只是这玩意儿周边的温度升高 2 到 3 度。哪里整个房间了啊!
这小编基本上就是瞎说嘛!为啥?比如 原文:"It's advisable to use a maximum of 3 candles "。 人家官方才建议放 3 根蜡烛,你这个小编一拍脑袋就 4 根蜡烛了……
原文:"We put together the work of Italian artisans and artists asking them to create their artistic versions of Egloo, then we selected them to offer you the best" 意大利设计师! Designed for everyone!
"Art is therapy" 人家奏是个艺术设计公司而已,卖点原创设计的小清新物品啦(挣点小清新的钱啦)。