
2012-07-04 14:29:10 +08:00
插件“任我淘”,一开始提示,manifest version 1 is being phased out.
然后按照指导在 manifest.json 里加了一行 "manifest_version": 2,
又提示 'background_page' requires manifest version of 1 or lower.
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2012-07-04 14:33:05 +08:00
9小时前接到 The Chrome Web Store Team 的邮件,标题:Important Update from the Chrome Web Store team

The last few months, the Chrome Web Store team has been working on improving the Chrome extension system's performance and security. As part of this effort, we are making a few changes that will impact the extensions and packaged apps you have posted there. We are sending this note to make you aware of these changes and to provide some guidance on how to address these.

Manifest_Version 1: Manifest Version 1 has been deprecated since Chrome 18, and when Chrome 21 hits stable in mid-August the Chrome Web Store will no longer accept new items with manifest_version 1. Converting to manifest_version 2 should be very simple for the majority of developers, and we encourage all developers to update their extensions and packaged apps as soon as possible. Review our deprecation schedule to determine when to update your items in the store.

Ads Monetization for Extensions: We are updating our ad policies to allow extensions to monetize through ads. Please ensure your extensions are in compliance by reviewing our extension ads policy guidelines.

If you have any questions, please contact us at the developer forum.

The Chrome Web Store Team.
2012-07-04 15:03:00 +08:00
@ytzong 这个插件已经从商店撤了,没有更新,只能自己改。我已改了manifest.json ,但接着出现的 background_page 提示,不知从何改起?
2012-12-03 10:28:56 +08:00

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