chocolatesir 我正在跑 unixbench (刚跟楼上学的-_-||)我朋友是电信的宽带。
mokeyjay 对了 那个 1Gbps 的接口开通一定要确认,我的方法是下载那个 100mb 的 test 文件,超过 30m 的速度应该就是大于 100Mbps 了吧。我给你贴下我的工单记录,因为之前一次 add-on 显示 activated,但实际我测试还是 100Mbps,重启重装都一样。后来又问了一遍才可以的:
第一工单问,Thank you Aaron, I also added a "Supercharged Network", how long does it take to activate?
第二次 addon 状态变激活后测试不对劲又问:Yes I found it, thank you for your quick response. I have the last question, I saw my 1000Mbps network has been activated, but I tried the network speed, speed at 11m/s, It seems still 100Mbps interface. Could you please check it, thank you !
第三次回复,Hello,You can give it at try now.