关于 Google Drive 的问题

2017-12-21 14:55:25 +08:00
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我想购买谷歌的硬盘服务一个月 100GB 的方案,举个🌰:

我只购买了一个月的服务,在硬盘里存了大概 50G 的东西,下个月我不再付费,我的盘会恢复到 15G 的基础容量?多于这 15G 的储存内容会被如何处理?

3321 次点击
所在节点   Google  Google
1 条回复
2017-12-21 15:14:22 +08:00

> Google Drive: You won't be able to sync or upload new files, and syncing between your Google Drive folder and My Drive will stop. You'll still be able to create Google documents since they don't take up any storage space.

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