请问是否有研究Android的smart app updates的?请教其实现原理和方法

2012-07-11 23:05:55 +08:00
自从看了Google I/O 2012的keynote后就对其smart app updates感兴趣,之前没有头绪,今天升级JellyBean 4.1.1 OTA包的时候解包看了下其文件,发现N多的 XXX.apk.p 文件,查了下资料,是补丁文件,但是没法再将其解包出来,个人猜测smart app updates的原理就是与这个有关,不知道群里有没有研究这个的,求指点下如何分离和合并.apk.p文件?多谢。
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2012-07-12 14:35:31 +08:00
见Android Developer网站

Smart App Updates
Smart app updates is a new feature of Google Play that introduces a better way of delivering app updates to devices. When developers publish an update, Google Play now delivers only the bits that have changed to devices, rather than the entire APK. This makes the updates much lighter-weight in most cases, so they are faster to download, save the device’s battery, and conserve bandwidth usage on users’ mobile data plan. On average, a smart app update is about 1/3 the size of a full APK update.

其实只是Google Play上对APK更新的改动机制.
2012-07-12 14:42:36 +08:00

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