[深圳] Castlery 招聘 iOS 高级工程师 15~25K

2018-01-16 17:29:28 +08:00
ranxiang  ranxiang


At Castlery, we ’ re reinventing the way furniture retail works. We work directly with designers and manufacturers and by cutting out the middlemen and removing brand markups, we ’ re able to offer great designs at their most honest price. All designs are exclusively available on Castlery.com. Castlery 致力于改变家具和家居行业现状,我们直接和世界级设计师和全球工厂合作,带给消费者优秀和诚信的产品。

You'll be a part of a fast-moving tech team, focused on engineering the best customer experience imaginable. The tools we ’ re working on power the way our entire company operates, from the user experience and features on the web to the operational systems around supply chain, logistics and order management. As an early member of this team, you ’ ll have a huge role in determining the process and scope for future projects, and be responsible for carrying these through to implementation. 我们在新加坡和深圳都有技术团队,人不多但是每个人都很优秀。在这里希望能找到 iOS 高级工程师。




请将简历发送至 tech.hiring@castlery.com

2127 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
2 条回复
2018-01-17 20:54:37 +08:00
公司很靠谱, 平时基本不加班.
2023-11-14 17:56:44 +08:00
@xieweizhi007 前辈还在这上班吗,boss 上看到招聘 java 开发,有内推机会吗

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