windows 上面有没有类似于 MAC 中 CheatSheet 这样的快捷键提示工具?

2018-01-21 12:15:32 +08:00
MAC 中 CheatSheet 用得非常爽,

那么 win 中有没有类似的, 我尝试找了一下,没有看到呀
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5 条回复
2018-01-21 12:33:43 +08:00
用 ahk 写,调出图片。
2018-01-21 13:21:58 +08:00

> KeyRocket is the best way to master keyboard shortcuts. It's Windows software that recommends shortcuts while you work where it matters. KeyRocket informs you, via a subtle notification, when you could have used a shortcut instead of a series of mouse actions. For instance, to copy something to the clipboard, you might first go to the ‘ Edit ’ menu and then click ‘ Copy ’. If you were to do this while KeyRocket is running in the background, it would notify you that you could have alternatively pressed ‘ Ctrl+C ’ on your keyboard. And that ’ s just the beginning! KeyRocket can teach you over 1,200 shortcuts for Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
2018-01-24 15:58:43 +08:00
@loading #1 ahk 不熟悉,没有见到类似教程呀
2019-12-05 10:53:19 +08:00
2020-05-25 20:00:30 +08:00

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