<quote> These processes often hold one or more Activity instances that are not currently visible to the user (the onStop() method has been called and returned). Provided they implement their Activity life-cycle correctly (see Activity for more details), when the system kills such processes it will not impact the user's experience when returning to that app: it can restore the previously saved state when the associated activity is recreated in a new process. </quote> 根据文档的说法,回收内存的时候,如果实现过生命周期,那么用户返回时可以保证用户体验不被破坏,也就是说会走生命周期,
对于目前国内的 rom 来说,杀后台进程大都是直接走了 forceKill,内核直接杀,应用并不能收到任何通知,
2018-01-24 18:58:53 +08:00
Android 8 增加的后台限制真的是非常友好了,仅默默杀掉 service 并确保它们不再自行重新启动,但又不干涉 job
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