Create an app on AppFog that outputs plain text "Happy Birthday OpenStack" and win some great prizes!
The more obfuscated the code used to generate the text, the better.
Contest ends Thu Jul 19 @ Midnight, winners announced Fri Jul 2
1) Grand Prize: New MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display
2) Runner Up: New iPad 3 Retina Display
3) All contestants: 2GB free RAM for your apps on any infrastructure

2012-07-17 23:14:04 +08:00
Create an app on AppFog that outputs plain text 'Happy Birthday OpenStack' and win some great prizes!
建立一个输出纯文本 "Happy Birthday OpenStack" 的 APP,就可以有机会赢得奖品喔。
The more obfuscated the code used to generate the text, the better. Contest ends Thu Jul 19 @ Midnight, winners announced Fri Jul 20.
Prizes 奖品:
)Grand Prize: New MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display (← 超给力喔
)Runner Up: New iPad 3 Retina Display
)All contestants: 2GB free RAM for your apps on any infrastructure (参赛者都有应用内存奖励
Selection Process 筛选过程:
Criteria 条件:
Originality, creativity, difficulty, and does-it-run.
Grand Prize 特等奖:
Judges will pick the best obfuscated example solely based on /src code, then the author will be determined from the app's URL and contacted.
Runner-Up 亚军:
Judges will select the entry that makes them laugh most.
Timing 时间计划:
Contest ends Thu Jul 19 @ Midnight, winners announced Fri Jul 20.
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