SDK 1.3.4 released & Google App Engine for Busines

2010-05-20 12:39:13 +08:00

A brand new bulkloader - The new bulkloader is based on a powerful declarative syntax for importing and exporting data, and is designed for use with both Python and Java applications.

Experimental support for OpenID built into the Users API as well as OAuth support. These libraries provide greatly increased support for a variety of authentication types.
They also make it considerably easier for developers to build applications for the Google Apps Marketplace.

The Blobstore API has graduated and is no longer an experimental API. It now supports files up to 2GB in size!

Assorted smaller bug fixes (please read the release notes for more details).


New bulkloader configuration syntax and wizard for easier import/export with the datastore.

Applications can now be configured to authenticate with OpenID by selecting the OpenID option when creating your application in the admin console.

New API to allow App Engine apps to act as OAuth service providers.

Auto task execution is now enabled in the dev_appserver. To turn this off use the flag --disable_task_running.

Fixed an issue using db.put() with constructor initialized id based keys.


后台task queue终于能自动执行了。
这次随着Google I/O还发布了Google App Engine for Business,竟然支持关系数据了,还有自己的域名可以设SSL。


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