来自前 iOS team 成员的抱怨

2018-02-13 15:59:26 +08:00

iOS,macOS 近年来质量稳步下降,大家有目共睹、怨声载道,我们有各种猜测,这里有一则前员工的抱怨,大家可以从中管窥苹果到底发生了什么问题:


As someone who used to work on iOS at Apple, what that company honestly needs is a culture not beholden to the whims of their EPMs (project managers). They used to help organize and work with engineering to schedule things across the company ’ s waterfall style development. However, by the time I left, they essentially took power over engineering. Radar became the driver for the entire company and instead of thinking about a holistic product, everything became a priority number. P0 meant, emergency fix immediately, P4 meant nice to have. You get the idea.

Nothing could be worked on if it wasn ’ t in Radar with a priority number attached and signed off by the teams ’ EPM. No room for a side project or time away from your daily duties because there were always P1s to fix. If you didn ’ t personally have any left for the day, you ’ d take one from another engineer who was likely swamped with their own list of P1s.

P1 P1 P1, everything is always in crises mode. Also why I and everyone around me felt bad for taking any vacation. If we weren ’ t constantly thinking about fixing those P1s, we were some how letting our team down.

This is how you get bugs in shipping software. EPMs driven to schedule things and over manage engineers would decide on a whim that something was a P2. That was basically always shelved to a follow-up .1 release.

Ultimately, engineers lost the freedom to decide when a feature was ready to ship. So here I see some “ leak ” about quality and I think, this is just PR spin for a buggy iOS 11. Unless the company is willing to take power away from the all-mighty EPM org, I just don ’ t see how engineering will really change.

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30 条回复
2018-02-13 21:06:22 +08:00
@Cavolo Android 只是做成了月度安全更新的形式,也是包含 bug 修正的
2018-02-13 21:23:33 +08:00

2018-02-14 02:24:46 +08:00
不过至少大方向还是对的,从 1 年一个大版本,变成 2 年 2 个版本侧重点分开。这样新功能一般都有 2 年来打磨,然后非功能性的大版本就可以着重优化打磨。

内部真的是成千上万个挂了很久很久的老 bug,我提了无数次都说用户反馈不多给打回来。。。反正也要跑路了,也和我没什么关系了。
2018-02-14 13:20:16 +08:00
@FallMonkey 兄弟去提个功能让 iOS 和 Mac 的双拼支持自然码吧,iOS11.3 好不容易加了两个新的双拼居然是微软和拼音加加,用户量最大的自然码依然没有踪迹🤦‍♂️
2018-02-14 13:29:40 +08:00
@Cavolo 好啊,提了之后优先级 P4,放着到 iOS14 再考虑。

公司太大了,每一个功能驱动都有无数人想分羹,所以也都很难推动。微信支持家庭分享等了好几个月了,QA 还说我们有两个 bug 不能让他过,要等某某团队修复,再好几周。有没有 1%人会撞到的 bug 都难说,就硬生生卡着那么多个月,为什么,因为 QA 团队的 kpi 是生产里的 bug 量,不是用户体验呀。

2018-02-14 13:37:28 +08:00
@FallMonkey 都修了点平时见都见不到的所谓 bug,剩下的很多显而易见用户极易触发的都拖着不管。真奇怪这样的环境下 macOS 居然还没被操烂,no code, no bug ?
2018-02-14 18:10:10 +08:00
2018-02-18 05:10:52 +08:00
也在经历这种开发,P0 P1 P 几这种定级本身就是很多精力的内耗和扯皮,我不想做我把它定 P4,几乎就是默认不做...因为 P1 的永远做不完,怎么说呢..可能还是因为赶
2018-03-02 09:12:35 +08:00
@FallMonkey #23 打听一下,负一屏卡顿的 bug 有没有修复计划?都更新那么多版本了,还没修复,难道也是用户反应不多?
2018-03-02 14:35:49 +08:00
@Telegram 更可能是有很多个 bug 都会导致这个,而不是单纯的一个 bug 那么简单。。。

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