
2018-02-13 23:19:11 +08:00
kisama12  kisama12


Good Day my friend and thank you for your response. I am a Chef Cook by profession from Houston currently working onboard a tanker ship.  I am not here to play games as I happen to be a  busy person. The internet is filled with lairs and fraudsters as I will appreciate it if we do a Skype or Hangout Video call to prove our identity. I am only trying to be careful as to not get involved with the wrong person or persons. Please understand my concern and reason for requesting a video call.

I need your urgent help in retracting some gold coins to safety. Please note that these coins were not stolen as I was only lucky that my fishing net trap packed up a suite-case which will make me a very rich man. I can not allow these coins to be on the ship for long as the company I work for keeps a constant routine check which means I might get little or nothing if my greedy supervisors finds out.

I only ask that you stand as my partner in receiving and selling these coins. I will direct buyers to you and you can also look for interested buyers. Terms for negotiation are open for discussion on how much I will be paying for your services.

I have a secure way to send these coins to you which I will discuss on my next E-mail but that is after I am certain and sure of your interest in helping me.

Thank You,

以上,是第一封,作为英语四级都不及格的学渣,勉强回复下: I am very glad to receive your letter. and i'm very interested in that.But i have some questions.

Where do you know my Email Address ? How do we trust each other?

Please forgive my rudeness.But in my country ,that is amazing. A stranger, tell you ,ha has a lot of gold coins.That's crazy.

I want to know what is your gold coins look like ? And how can i help you ?

Looking forward to your reply.

过了好几天,今天收到回信: erez Jorge

Hello My friend and Thank you for your response, I got your email form your blog www.hidejack.net. I know this is hard to believe which is why I ask that we do a Skype or Hangout video call so you can see my face and know I am real. I am scared of letting my Gold coins get into the wrong hands. Please understand me. I need you to trust me so this business can be successful.

My coins are currently in Sweden now as that was where I saw a lady who agreed to help me until I found out that she was not who she claimed to be and I had to put a stop on the delivery. I will give you $260,000 USD which will be 10% of the total selling amount.

STEP1: Upon confirming your interest in helping me, I will provide you with every information in contacting the agency in charge of delivering the coins to you. You would provide them with my information I will be giving you and once they confirm then we are half way done.

STEP2: We will wait and allow them make delivery to the address you will provide. Once it is delivered, I would contact buyers in need of such coins specification to contact you. Buyers will contact you and once business is finalize they will make payment and come for their coins.

You do not need to send my share to me as I would be coming to meet with you once my contract ends in few months time from now. Such amount entering my account would raise alert and my company would be notified.

I plan on starting a small scale business to keep me busy as this is a life time opportunity for me to secure a better future after retirement, travel first class and visit Hawaii, buy a nice car and house and lots more.

I pray and hope you consider my offer and agree to help me.


ps:暂未回复邮件,没想好咋回,想问问各位 v 友,实时更新! 手机不能发图,勉强看吧=_=

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8 条回复
2018-02-14 01:15:25 +08:00

2018-02-14 01:47:23 +08:00
联系英语笑了 xd
2018-02-14 03:43:55 +08:00
2018-02-14 08:11:34 +08:00
@noe132 让大佬见笑了-o-
2018-02-14 08:12:03 +08:00
@DravenJohnson 感谢提醒,嘿嘿
2018-02-14 08:12:42 +08:00
@eaglexiang 聊天很愉快,一看就是大佬:)
2018-02-14 12:35:20 +08:00
2018-02-14 15:06:46 +08:00

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