标准桥接和中继桥接的区别//转自 https://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index. PHP /Repeater_Bridge

2018-02-22 12:20:08 +08:00
Difference between Client Bridge and Repeater Bridge

A standard wireless bridge (Client Bridge) connects wired clients to a secondary router as if they were connected to your main router with a cable. Secondary clients share the bandwidth of a wireless connection back to your main router. Of course, you can still connect clients to your main router using either a cable connection or a wireless connection.

The limitation with standard bridging is that it only allows wired clients to connect to your secondary router. Wireless clients cannot connect to your secondary router configured as a standard bridge. Repeater Bridge allows wireless AND wired clients to connect to a the Repeater Bridge router, and through that device wirelessly to a primary router. You can still use this mode if you only need to bridge wired clients; the extra wireless repeater capability comes along for free; however, you are not required to use it.
2952 次点击
所在节点    路由器
1 条回复
2018-02-22 16:45:16 +08:00
Routed Client with relayd (Pseudobridge) [OpenWrt Wiki]

之前一直用这个把闲置路由器变成台式机的无线网卡,Client Bridge 好像有限制?

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