
2012-07-24 20:14:05 +08:00
brucebot  brucebot

uname:Linux Venus #3 Fri Nov 13 10:55:54 CST 2009 mips unknown

8497 次点击
所在节点   分享发现  分享发现
9 条回复
2012-07-24 20:18:18 +08:00
cat /etc/issue
cat /proc/cpuinfo
ps -ef
2012-07-24 20:20:42 +08:00

/tmp # more serverList.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<source_inform version="1.0">
<new_ch7 id="7" name="娱乐">http://news.sina.com.cn/hisense/ent.xml</new_ch7>
<video_ch1 id="1" name="博客">http://api.video.sina.com.cn/ucc/index.php?category=podcasting&amp;time=today&amp;startIndex=</video_ch1>
<video_ch2 id="2" name="影视">http://api.video.sina.com.cn/ucc/index.php?category=movie_tv&amp;time=today&amp;startIndex=</video_ch2>
<video_ch3 id="3" name="访谈">http://api.video.sina.com.cn/ucc/index.php?category=vip_interview&amp;time=today&amp;startIndex=</video_ch3>
<video_ch4 id="4" name="新闻">http://api.video.sina.com.cn/ucc/index.php?category=news&amp;time=today&amp;startIndex=</video_ch4>
<music name="新浪乐库" enable="yes" msg="服务器调整,暂停服务,望谅解!"/>
<weather name="天气预报" enable="yes" msg="msg"/>
<stock name="股票在线" enable="yes" msg="msg"/>
<news name="新浪新闻" enable="yes" msg="msg"/>
<video name="东方宽频" enable="yes" msg="msg"/>
<xun_video name="影视娱乐" enable="yes" msg="msg"/>
<xun_download name="影视下载" enable="yes" msg="msg"/>
<pps name="影视娱乐" enable="no" msg="系统升级中"/>
<kan_z enable="0"/>
<iptv enable="0"/>
<copyright enable="1"/>
<menu1 name="电影排行榜" enable="yes"/>
<menu2 name="电视排行榜" enable="yes"/>
<menu3 name="影视剧搜索" enable="yes"/>
<menu4 name="下载器设置" enable="yes"/>
<menu5 name="已下载影视" enable="yes" msg="null"/>
<sort value="null"/>
<format value="null"/>
<restype value="null"/>
<page value="1"/>
<num value="24"/>
<pps_hint1 msg=" "/>
<pps_hint2 msg=" "/>
<pps_hint3 msg=" "/>
<url_update enable="yes"/>
<url_ver date="20100211"/>
<bss_stop enable="no"/>
2012-07-24 20:25:35 +08:00

/tmp # cat /etc/issue
cat: /etc/issue: No such file or directory

/tmp # cat /proc/cpuinfo
system type : Realtek Venus
processor : 0
cpu model : MIPS 24K V7.8
BogoMIPS : 269.51
wait instruction : yes
microsecond timers : yes
tlb_entries : 32
extra interrupt vector : yes
hardware watchpoint : yes
ASEs implemented : mips16
VCED exceptions : not available
VCEI exceptions : not available

/tmp # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 120288 82828 37460 0 60
Swap: 32 0 32
Total: 120320 82828 37492

/tmp # ps -ef
PID Uid VmSize Stat Command
1 root 364 S init
2 root SWN [ksoftirqd/0]
3 root SW< [events/0]
4 root SW< [khelper]
5 root SW< [kthread]
6 root SW< [kblockd/0]
7 root SW [khubd]
8 root SW [pdflush]
9 root SW [pdflush]
11 root SW< [aio/0]
12 root SW< [cifsoplockd]
13 root SW< [cifsdnotifyd]
10 root SW [kswapd0]
14 root SW [eth0]
15 root SW [mtdblockd]
25 root 368 S init
26 root 368 S init
29 root 368 S init
32 root 368 S init
180 root 388 S inetd
192 root 168 S ./RootApp DvdPlayer
194 root 168 S ./RootApp DvdPlayer
196 root 6216 R DvdPlayer
197 root 168 S ./RootApp DvdPlayer
198 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
199 root 6216 S N DvdPlayer
200 root 6216 S N DvdPlayer
208 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
210 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
212 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
213 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
214 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
215 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
216 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
217 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
218 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
219 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
220 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
221 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
253 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
256 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
257 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
258 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
259 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
260 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
279 root 368 S /sbin/udhcpc -p /var/lock/udhcpc_eth0.pid -t 15 -b -s
284 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
286 root 6216 S DvdPlayer
290 root 308 S telnetd
291 root 544 S -sh
417 root 360 R ps -ef
2012-07-25 13:58:52 +08:00
应该是RTD1073 是的话 搜RTD1073 + 刷机
2012-07-25 17:10:48 +08:00
@csx163 这个怎么确定的?
2012-07-25 19:52:59 +08:00
cpu model : MIPS 24K V7.8
BogoMIPS : 269.51
2012-07-25 21:23:31 +08:00
@csx163 还没过保修期,不太敢拆,现在只是拿来放NAS里面的电影,网络电影只是个摆设
2012-07-25 21:29:58 +08:00
2012-07-25 21:34:19 +08:00

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