代友招聘,上海,多个职位,包括 Python Coder

2010-11-11 01:55:56 +08:00
we're working on launching a new internet project providing online food ordering (waimai) and we are looking for some people to join our founding team. At this point we need mainly native Chinese speakers, positions are listed below. These are not boring office jobs but rather chances to join a funded startup, work hard and create something together. Happy to discuss in more detail with those who are interested.

Competitive compensation, opportunity to help build a high growth business and be rewarded with bonuses and equity!


- 5 years minimum operations experience building a business in Food and Beverage, Delivery or consumer products
- Confident managing a sales team
- Consumer focused, detail oriented

Online Product Manager

- 3 years minimum experience managing consumer facing websites
- Strong sense of design, perfectionist
- Expert in optimizing a site for higher conversions

Marketing Manager

- 3 years minimum experience with consumer marketing, including a strong digital component
- Oversee all online and offline marketing
- Budget and creative freedom to do innovative marketing

Sales Manager

- 3 years minimum experience managing a sales team, preferably in food and beverage or advertising
- Hard working and motivated to close deals personally
- Existing relationships with Shanghai restaurants a plus

同时也招聘 Python 程序员一枚

应聘邮件可发: lucas.englehardt@gmail.com
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