typora 的 tab 键如何设置成 4 个空格?

2018-03-09 11:00:27 +08:00

tab 键最好是 4 个空格, 谁有办法? 谢谢

我尝试 issue 里面看的方法不起作用呀... "indentWithTabs": true

/** For advanced users. */
  "width" : null, // Integer - Window's width in pixels. Default is null (last window width)
  "height" : null, // Integer - Window's height in pixels. Default is null (last window height)
  "defaultFontFamily": {
    "standard": null, //String - Defaults to "Times New Roman".
    "serif": null, // String - Defaults to "Times New Roman".
    "sansSerif": null, // String - Defaults to "Arial".
    "monospace": null // String - Defaults to "Courier New".
  "autoHideMenuBar": false, //Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the `Alt` key is pressed. Default is false.

  // Array - Search Service user can access from context menu after a range of text is selected. Each item is formatted as [caption, url]
  "searchService": [
    ["Search with Google", "https://google.com/search?q=%s"]

  // Custom key binding, which will override the default ones.
  "keyBinding": {
	// for example: 
    // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P"

  "autoSaveTimer" : 5, // default 5 minutes
  "maxFetchCountOnFileList": 500,
  "indentWithTabs": true
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2020-07-23 18:59:12 +08:00

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