window 异地备份

2018-03-14 14:08:51 +08:00
JFallen  JFallen

window 异地增量备份,有什么好的软件推荐一下吗?

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2 条回复
2018-03-14 15:26:39 +08:00
以前找同步软件时候发现过这个开源的备份软件,java 的 ,可以试试。

Backup Engine Features :
Archives compression (Zip & Zip64 format)
Archives encryption (AES128 & AES256 encryption algorithms)
Storage on local hard drive, network drive, USB key, FTP, FTPs (with implicit and explicit SSL / TLS) or SFTP server
Source file filters (by extension, subdirectory, regular expression, size, date, status, with AND/OR/NOT logical operators)
Incremental, differential and full backup support
Support for delta backup (store only modified parts of your files)
Archives merges : You can merge contiguous archives into one single archive to save storage space.
As of date recovery : Areca allows you to recover your archives (or single files) as of a specific date.
Transaction mechanism : All critical processes (such as backups or merges) are transactional. This guarantees your backups' integrity.
Backup reports : Areca generates backup reports that can be stored on your disk or sent by email.
Post backup scripts : Areca can launch shell scripts after backup.
Files permissions, symbolic links and named pipes can be stored and recovered. (Linux only)

要是同步的话,resilio-sync 和 syncthing 应该都好用。
2018-03-15 07:42:56 +08:00

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