ios 11.3 beta5 貌似好像可能终于把负一屏卡顿的 bug 解决了。

2018-03-14 20:40:04 +08:00

感觉这次好像真的把问题解决了,从 11 版就开始一直让人不爽的 bug 啊,喜极而泣。


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7 条回复
2018-03-14 20:47:40 +08:00
2018-03-14 20:50:32 +08:00
并没有修,小部件的一大堆 bug 还在等待呢

Seed Date ― March 12, 2018
Build Number ― 15E5211a
Darwin Kernel Version ― 17.5.0: Tue Mar 6 20:47:58 PST 2018; root:xnu-4570.52.2~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8015

Report all issues at or with the Feedback app.

New Features & Changes
New Issues
Cannot turn off iCloud Keychain-turns itself back on (not sure when bug was introduced)
Attachments in messages are in the wrong order when doing a clean install of iOS and setup as a new phone.
Settings app hangs and then crashes when you check General > iPhone-Storage. (iPhone X, please verify other devices)
Remaining Issues
The shared web credentials API always returns the error “ Autofill disabled ”
iCloud Messages problem. The information on the size of the messages in iCloud Storage does not match the size in iCloud Storage/Manage Storage/Messages/Conversations.
Widgets jump up then goes back to normal position after device restart (Since iOS 11.0)
Widgets and search bar overlap during a call (Since iOS 11.0)
Emoji keyboard has duplicate emojis in the Frequently Used tab after resetting the keyboard settings (Since iOS 11.0)
Unlocking a device causes the keyboard to disappear for a moment if the keyboard is left open before locking the device (Since iOS 11.0)
App opening splash screen becomes black if you close an app, then immediately after opening the same app (Since iOS 11.3 beta 3)
3D Touch Quick Actions cannot be initiated immediately after unlocking the device, takes 2 seconds waiting (Since iOS 11.3 beta 3)
When using the keyboard as (two-finger) trackpad in Spotlight Search on iPad landscape mode, x,y axes movement are still incorrectly swapped (Since iOS 10.0, nearly two years.)
Resolved Issues
Fixed a bug that causes keyboard keys to become blue when text is pasted in the text field of WhatsApp, especially for URLs (it was there since iOS 11.0)
Video Autoplay (App Store settings) no longer defaults to "On" after toggling Low Power Mode back off.
iCloud Messages syncing problem appears to be solved. All messages are now being synced and also downloaded after a clean install.
Additional Notes
AirPlay 2 and Home app integration for Apple TV (4th generation) and later are missing in this seed (as was seed 3 and 4).
2018-03-14 20:54:04 +08:00
@Lentin #1 前面几个版本都是用 3,4 天就开始卡顿,然后需要重启才会恢复,然后再过 3,4 天又卡
2018-03-14 20:55:13 +08:00
@Cavolo #2 被你这么一说,感觉又失望了
2018-03-15 10:16:21 +08:00
2018-03-15 11:24:05 +08:00
@Vitta #5 直觉告诉我,这会真的不一样
2018-03-17 13:59:08 +08:00
@Vitta #5 你现在感觉如何,卡没,我还是流畅不卡

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