现在有多少个*aaS 的叫法?

2018-03-19 11:52:04 +08:00
从最开始大家熟知的 IaaS、PaaS 和 SaaS,到现在:
BaaS:backend as a service
IDaaS: identify as a service
MBaaS: mobile backend as a service
CaaS: content as a service
DaaS: data as a service
DBaaS: database as a service
NaaS: network as a service
GaaS: games as a service
FaaS: function as a service
LaaS: logging as a service

StaaS:shit as a service
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2018-03-19 22:15:24 +08:00
Authentication as a Service 提供云端身份认证服务
国内的 https://authing.cn
美国的 https://auth0.com

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