本人的 Minecraft 账户被撞库

2018-03-20 22:22:18 +08:00
gosky  gosky
刚刚 minecraft 账户无法登录,客户端报无效的账户或密码。
查看邮箱,收到一份来自 Mojang 的邮件:Your Mojang account password was changed

Your Mojang account password has been changed. If you were the one who performed the change you can safely ignore this email, if not, your account may have been compromised.

To set a new password for your account follow the link below (or paste it into your browser if that doesn't work).


Please note that the link above only is valid for 24 hours, if it has expired use the link below to request a new link.


Take care,

5586 次点击
所在节点   Minecraft  Minecraft
1 条回复
2018-03-20 22:35:31 +08:00
Profile Name 被改
搞笑了,这个名字每 30 天只能改一次
Rename Profile
You can only change your name once every 30 days.

Your last change was on 三月 19, 2018, meaning that you have to wait 30 days before you can change it again.

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