7 月 15 日在 B&H 下的订单购买 Nexus 7 16GB,两天前被强制 cancel 了,有朋友知道原因吗?

2012-08-04 18:40:16 +08:00
Geekidiot  Geekidiot
我好奇的是,如果 cancel 也应该半个月前就 cancel 了吧?再者 B&H 是支持国内双币信用卡的啊。

用的是交行 MasterCard 卡,订单只订了一部,订单地址和账单地址均填写的是转运地址。

转运服务是 QQ-ex。

我发邮件询问为何订单被 cancel 了,得到的回复是:

Thank you for contacting the Customer Service Department at B&H Photo Video and Pro Audio.

B&H has always had a policy that we do not sell to resellers, but recently have been obliged to enforce this policy to the utmost. There are a number of reasons for this, among them are these: Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.

- It is in our best interest to establish and maintain the retailer-end user customer relationship ourselves.
- Selling to another retailer or reseller or acting as a wholesaler violates the contracts we have with our vendors by which we are designated authorized retailers. This contract, and our authorized retailer status, are vital to us.
- Selling to resellers also often voids the end user customer's warranty.

We appreciate your concern and regret any inconvenience.

Cletus R
B&H Photo Video and Pro Audio
The Professional's Source.
E-Mail Customer Service Department

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3 条回复
2012-08-04 19:33:31 +08:00
2012-08-04 20:32:25 +08:00
@TONYHEAD 我总感觉 CUL 比 QQ-ex 更多啊,所以才选择的 QQ-ex。
2012-08-06 17:46:47 +08:00

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