[J&J Aisa Development Center] We Are Hiring

2018-05-07 17:42:21 +08:00
Senior Test Automation Engineer



• Developing J&J's Digital Experience across brands, electronic media and software delivery channels.


• 4+ years ’ experience writing clean hand-coded HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
• 3+ years ’ experience writing server-side programing languages like PHP, Node.js or Python.
• Experience with development on the WeChat platform (Service Accounts, Subscription Accounts, Enterprise WeChat, or Mini Programs)
• Experience with CI/CD tools like Jenkins.
• Experience with SQL and databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL.
• Possess a basic understanding of agile development methodologies, specifically Scrum and Kanban.
• Good verbal English skills.

Please Contact Me: demon4me@hotmail.com
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