nexus 7 9月之前产(就是SSN:C09之前开头的)的屏幕和整机质量都有瑕疵?!看了国外部分论坛,上面很多人反映这些问题并换货的,华硕代工的些什么啊

2012-08-16 23:50:09 +08:00
Just try and make sure your Nexus 7 has a CSSN of C80K

C is the year 2012
8 Is the month
0 Is the run
K Thousand

0K is the run in the thousands, only so many out of each thousand a quality controlled checked twice. How you can tell? When you open your brand new Sealed Nexus 7 it will be sealed but may have a finger print mark on the glass, just wipe it off, or the plastic wrap inside will look to have been opened. It was, it was tested and then re-packed.

From reading other forums looks like Google will have ASUS use newer better color corrected Hydis IPS LED displays, and or new SHARP made IPS LED Displays,

Many of the current ones have a yellowish Hue tint, and forget about correct greens. And if you notice when scrolling Icons tend to trail or Blur leaving a slight ghost image.

By the August production run they new screens will be in. I returned two because of display problems. Google has since asked ASUS to test more units per Thousand because so many were defective.

I am waiting for the C90K production runs.
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