2018-05-23 15:07:43 +08:00
我特意看了下 Confluence Licensing Q&A,得到了如下结论:
1. 上面说到的 10 人一下 $10 的 License 是永久授权( Perpetual )并且包含一年的维护( maintenance )
2. 那么 maintenance 都包括哪些呢?看官方回复:
What is software maintenance?
Software maintenance, included in your first year of use, gives you the following benefits:
Security patches
Critical bug fixes
New features & enhancements
Access to Atlassian's world-class Support team for technical troubleshooting
Developer license keys (lets you test the upgrades before committing!)
Potential to enroll to Beta Programs
In order for your software maintenance to remain active year-round, you must purchase it annually. Learn more about our renewing terms for software maintenance above. We also suggest making sure your business processes allow for frequent upgrades so your team can continue reaping the benefits enjoyed by other world class teams.
也就是说安全更新、bug fixes、新特性和性能提升是包含在 maintenance 中的
综上,貌似这个 license 不能升级,只能用当前版本……