项目有个需求要动态获取模块内的所有协程方法,查了点资料发现 python 里面反射对象可以使用getattr()
a = __import__('a')
func_sync = getattr(a, 'func_sync')
func_async = getattr(a, 'func_async')
print(func_sync) # <function func_sync at 0x7f827b98f510>
print(func_async) # <function func_async at 0x7f8279cd01e0>
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func_async)) # True
# getattr class
A = getattr(a, 'A')
print(A) # <class 'a.A'>
method_aa = getattr(A, 'aa')
method_bb = getattr(A, 'bb')
method_cc = getattr(A, 'cc')
print(method_aa) # <bound method A.aa of <class 'a.A'>> <----这里的 bound method 是什么意思?
print(method_bb) # <function A.bb at 0x7f8279cd00d0>
print(method_cc) # <function A.cc at 0x7f8279cd0158>
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method_aa)) # True <---- 注意这里
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method_bb)) # True
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method_cc)) # False
print('=========== __dict__ =============')
A = a.__dict__['A']
func_sync = a.__dict__['func_sync']
func_async = a.__dict__['func_async']
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func_async)) # True
print(A) # <class 'a.A'>
method_aa = A.__dict__['aa']
method_bb = A.__dict__['bb']
method_cc = A.__dict__['cc']
print(method_aa) # <classmethod object at 0x7f827a21c908> <---- 变成了 classmethod
print(method_bb) # <function A.bb at 0x7f8279cd00d0>
print(method_cc) # <function A.cc at 0x7f8279cd0158>
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method_aa)) # False <----- 不应该是 True 吗?
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method_bb)) # True
print(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method_cc)) # False
在反射对象的机制上应该有一些区别,但是 google 了半天也没搞明白为什么,求指教!
class A:
async def aa(cls):
return 123
async def bb(self):
return 456
def cc(self):
return 789
def func_sync():
return 'sync'
async def func_async():
return 'async'
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