因为实习生老提交一堆乱七八糟的代码,所以决定写个 git hook 禁止提交语法检查不同用过的代码。
初步发现 git 的 hook 机制配合 checkstyle 满足需求,但网上的例子是 python 写的,而 windwos 的 git 运行在 mingw64 环境下,整合起来比较麻烦,开了某软件也下载不不下来那些资源。
跪求懂 python 和 shell 的朋友帮忙转一下。TAT
` #! /usr/bin/env python
import sys,os,re
print '\n.......................Code Style Checking....................\n'
#the count of level, like ERROR,WARN def get_level(content, level): return len(re.compile(r"[%s]" % level).findall(content))
#get the commit file name (whole path) def get_file_name(content, postfix=None): content = content.replace("\t", " ") line_divided = content.split("\n") space_divided = [[j for j in i.split(" ") if j.strip()]for i in line_divided] filenames = [i[5] for i in space_divided if i] if not postfix: return filenames return [i for i in filenames if ".%s" % postfix in i]
jarpath = os.popen('git config --get checkstyle.jar').read() checkfilepath = os.popen('git config --get checkstyle.checkfile').read()
#check code command command = 'java -jar ' + jarpath[:-1] + ' -c ' + checkfilepath[:-1]
#the file to check files = os.popen('git diff-index --cached HEAD').read()
#the result of command content = get_file_name(files, 'java')
resultsum = 0
for i in content: result = os.popen(command + ' ' + i).read() print result resultsum += get_level(result,'ERROR') resultsum += get_level(result,'WARN')
if resultsum > 0: print '\n.......................You must fix the errors and warnings first, then excute commit command again...........\n' sys.exit(-1) else: print '\n.................................Code is very good...................\n' sys.exit(0) `
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