[知名生物科技公司 PerkinElmer 珀金埃尔默] 上海张江 良心(工作生活超平衡)招聘 C++ 和 C# 工程师和架构师

2018-06-22 18:36:25 +08:00
Job Description Summary
Responsible for the design, development, testing, documentation and analysis of modules or features of new or upgraded software systems and products. Develops and/or executes implementation according to project plans and priorities. Engineers may develop a range of products including device drivers, patches, operating system modifications, graphics modules, etc.

• 5+ years of commercial software development & design
• Solid C++/C# development capability
• Deep understanding of Windows, WPF, MFC, C/S & design patterns.
• Strong problem solving skills and quick learning skills
• Willing to learn new technologies, such cloud, IoT, big data & etc.
• Able to work independently with other R&D sites with good communication skill

BA degree or above

说实在的,薪资最多 450k

联系: joey.ding@fatalent.com
1550 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
1 条回复
2018-06-23 12:17:46 +08:00
PerkinElmer 在国内居然也有 IT 部门。。。

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