haohaolee @
blueshark @
mewking @
Marvel 首先对不起大家,我问问题之前没有Google。
另一个我想问的是一些书,比如今天下载了个《101 Best Jokes》,解释在维基百科,这里复制一部分:
#In books
According to Books in Print, more books are now published with a title that begins with '101' than '100'. They usually describe or discuss a list of items, such as 101 Ways to... or 101 Questions and Answers About... . This marketing tool is used to imply that the customer is given a little extra information beyond books that include only 100 items. Some books have taken this marketing scheme even further with titles that begin with '102', '103', or '1001'. The number is used in this context as a slang term when referring to "a 101 document" what is usually referred to as a statistical survey or overview of some topic.