在公司使用 sketch 作图,sketch mirror 是手机端的即时预览 app,可以使用 usb 直连预览,但是不太喜欢使用数据线连着,想要使用 wifi 无线预览,但是电脑和手机都在同一个 wifi 下,却怎么也连不上,查询了官方,给到的解决方案如下:
Sketch and Sketch Mirror find each other using an Apple service called Bonjour. Some corporate networks are setup to block this service. If you ’ re connecting via Wi-Fi and are on the same network, you may have to ask your network admin to add a rule to allow _sketchmirror._tcp.local traffic in the network.
For more troubleshooting steps, please check our Support section related category. If you still can ’ t connect, please get in touch with our customer support, and we ’ ll help you get Sketch Mirror up and running.
官方地址: https://www.sketchapp.com/docs/mirror/
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