昨天登录 stripe 仪表盘时看到显示账户被禁用 Account disabled,后面跟着一句 Your account has been disabled. Please check your email for more information. 尴尬的是,登录了邮箱邮件里啥重要信息都没说,也没给原因或理由,邮件内容是:This is just a reminder that you will no longer be able to accept payments through Stripe beginning 7/29/2018. Once again, we are sorry that we can't work with your business. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact us right away by replying to this email. Yours, The Stripe team
已经给 stripe 回复了邮件想咨询账户被禁用的原因或者理由,但一直没收到回复,想问下各位 V 站大佬有没有刚好遇到类似事件的给指条明路。
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