golang 数组能否实现类似 .Net Linq 的类似功能

2018-07-30 19:25:47 +08:00
从结构体数组中筛选相关要素,排序等功能,就像数组能执行 SQL 一样

底下为.Net 的代码
请问除了 https://github.com/ahmetb/go-linq

class Program
public class Student
public int StID;
public string LastName;
public class CourseStudent
public string CourseName;
public int StID;
static Student[] students=new Student[]{
new Student{StID=1,LastName="Carson"},
new Student{StID=2,LastName="Klassen"},
new Student{StID=3,LastName="Fleming"},
static CourseStudent[] studentsInCourses=new CourseStudent[]{
new CourseStudent{CourseName="Art",StID=1},
new CourseStudent{CourseName="Art",StID=2},
new CourseStudent{CourseName="History",StID=1},
new CourseStudent{CourseName="History",StID=3},
new CourseStudent{CourseName="Physics",StID=3},
static void Main()
var query=from s in students
join c in studentsInCourses on s.StID equals c.STID
where c.CourseName=="History"
foreach(var q in query)
Console.WriteLine("Student taking History:{0}",q);
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2018-07-31 08:00:10 +08:00
ReactiveX for go 应该有这种功能。我只用过 rxjava

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