### 我们是谁?
我们不是一个一头扎到用户泡沫里面的IT团队。我们在做一些被大家忽略的事情 - **用技术和设计去解决问题**,而不仅仅是吸引用户,寻找投资。我们看中的是团队产品与团队成员的共同发展与潜在价值.
我们正在开发的“满座",它采用了最新的Web技术(HTML5, CSS3, WebSocket, NodeJS) 来解决遍布中国的排队问题.
http://manzuoapp.com/### Hacker, 为什么加入我们?
Here, we won't imprison you in some fixed position like those big companies usually do. We believe as a self-motivated young people who want to leverage his/her own talents to make changes happen, he/she will eventually get a hand on all this stuff.That's what we expect who you are.
- Small team, passionate people
- Early adopters of new technologies(nodeJS, Ruby)
- Work with tools and languages you like
- Mostly `Ruby` and `CoffeeScript`, but we use anything solve our problem, be it LISP or C.
- All Emacs/Vim users
- Unix
### Our Expectations 我们对你的期待
Here are some principles we will use to find"you" and it is also things that we encourages in the team:
- **Seeing the Key Point** - Fundamentals is more important than know-how.
- **Fast Learner** - Learning ability and altitude is more important than expertise.
- **Finding the Way Out** - Access to solutions is more important than solutions.
- **Future and Potential** - What you will do is more important than what you have done.
- **Take Actions** - Action is more important than idea and word.
We also expect hacking talents from you:
- Work under unix system and embrace its philosophy
- Expert in one computer language, be it `C`, `LISP`, `Ruby` .
- Know the art of web technology
- Love creating elegant and useful product
## Location
## Compensation
150 / day for the first trial period
6k - 10k as a full-time with all benefit.
Compensation will be evaluated in half year.
## How to apply
http://zenhacks.org/applytech.html## Contact Us
这是一个专为移动设备优化的页面(即为了让你能够在 Google 搜索结果里秒开这个页面),如果你希望参与 V2EX 社区的讨论,你可以继续到 V2EX 上打开本讨论主题的完整版本。
V2EX 是创意工作者们的社区,是一个分享自己正在做的有趣事物、交流想法,可以遇见新朋友甚至新机会的地方。
V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.